100 list ideas

If you're struggling to think of lists to make for your Listography (here's mine), journal, blog, or otherwise, I've created a mega list of 100 prompts to help you out!

  1. Favourite songs
  2. Top 25 most played songs
  3. Recently downloaded songs
  4. Create a playlist based on moods
  5. Favourite artists
  6. Favourite albums
  7. Music genres that I like
  8. Music genres that I can't stand
  9. Songs I think everyone should listen to
  10. Favourite books
  11. Books I have read this year
  12. Opening lines from the last five books I've read
  13. The first sentence from page 42 of the last five books that I've read
  14. Books that I think are overrated
  15. Books that I think are underrated
  16. How many books I have read from the BBC's Big Read
  17. My to-read list
  18. Current wish list
  19. Fashion (or any other interests here) wish list
  20. Capsule wardrobe musts
  21. Favourite fashion blogs
  22. Favourite blogs in general
  23. Favourite tumblr, flickr, etc pages
  24. Favourite recipes/foods
  25. Recipes that I'd like to try
  26. Best foods from my country
  27. Bucket list
  28. 10 things I would like to do before I'm 30/40/etc
  29. 10 things I would like to do before the end of the year
  30. To-do lists
  31. Favourite and least-liked subjects in school
  32. Current hobbies
  33. TV programs I'm watching at the moment
  34. TV programs I need to catch up on / planning on watching in the future
  35. Favourite films
  36. Popular/classic films that I've never seen
  37. Films I've watched this year
  38. Favourite websites
  39. List of social networks I'm on
  40. A-Z list of things: animals, colours, countries
  41. 10 facts about me
  42. My current (and lifetime) goals
  43. Favourite names
  44. Qualities that my dream home would have
  45. Countries I'd like to visit
  46. Countries that I have already visited
  47. Currently… (eating, watching, listening to, wearing, reading, etc)
  48. Things I'm grateful for
  49. 5 good things about today
  50. 3 ways to make tomorrow better
  51. Important events to remember from this year
  52. Things that have happened this week
  53. Things that people have recommended I try (restaurants, songs, books?)
  54. What a lazy day consists of
  55. Favourite apps of the moment
  56. Hobbies I would like to try
  57. Skills I would like to learn
  58. 10 of my favourite things
  59. People you admire
  60. Habits I would like to adopt/change/stop
  61. Things I'm proud of
  62. Favourite quotes
  63. Ways to get motivated
  64. Things I really wanted to be when I was little
  65. You're about to be transported to a desert island: pick five items from the room that you're in to take with you. Explain your rationale behind each item or just leave it as a list!
  66. What inspires you?
  67. What I would do if I were prime minister
  68. Things that help me sleep
  69. I can't get through the day without…
  70. Things that I have achieved this year
  71. My biggest achievements
  72. Favourite words
  73. Best places to go in my nearest city
  74. Ideal qualities in a friend
  75. Songs that trigger memories
  76. In the future I would like… (to see, to go, to have)
  77. My tips about… (saving money, starting a blog, getting good grades)
  78. Events that happened in the year I was born
  79. I'm looking forward to…
  80. Favourite fictional characters
  81. Things to do when I'm bored
  82. Favourite animals
  83. Pets I've had or would like to have
  84. Ways to fix a bad day
  85. Favourite things about winter/summer/spring/autumn
  86. Things that everyone should try once
  87. Ways to spend a day off
  88. Things that never get old
  89. Things to do during a power cut
  90. Currently obsessed with…
  91. 25 things I love
  92. What I'm currently putting off doing
  93. Things I've learned to love
  94. What I need to remember on a bad day
  95. 20 things to be happy about
  96. What I would do if I won the lottery
  97. Summer/winter bucket list
  98. People I need to thank (and why?)
  99. How I… (manage university and a job, clean the house, stay organised etc)
  100. List of your own list ideas for future inspiration


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