The third year trap

Well hello!

My dissertation has essentially taken over my life which is why I've been a terrible blogger over the last few months, but on the plus side I've just finished writing up my results section so I've got that going for me - so many numbers! So many tables! Unfortunately it hasn't contributed much to my word count despite all the numbers, but it still looks quite impressive and it's great to have a completed section, especially considering that I started out by being too scared to even get things started. So much importance is placed on your dissertation and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it right, which made the writing process even worse. Everyone kept telling me to just write, and to worry about polishing and refining once I've gotten a draft together, but I can't really work like that. If what I'm writing is complete rubbish then it's not going to make me feel any better even if it fills up pages. So I scrapped that approach, and now I'm just writing it bit by bit, a little every day. I know the first draft is still going to need some work, that's always the case with essays, but at least I'll know that I've got a better foundation to work on. It's been so stressful so far but I think that by the end it's going to be something to be really proud of, no matter what mark I get. I've got just under two months to finish it - see you on the other side!


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