The one where I accidentally deleted 90% of my blog's photos

So, my blog's a bit of a mess right now. I was going through my social networks today to tidy things up and found that my Google+ account was my worst offender. Why? Because I have a blog, and apparently that means that every photo I post on here gets automatically uploaded on there, along with all of my posts (I'm happy to report that I've since developed some tech-savvy skills and turned this feature off). That shouldn't be a problem seeing as this was supposed to be a relatively public venture anyway, but it's a little off-putting to see every photo that's been uploaded here since 2012 displayed for the world to see. Without context a lot of them probably looked a bit odd!

Naturally, I went on a deleting spree without even thinking about the connection to thecomfyjumper, because surely deleting them from Google+ wouldn't remove the images that have already been published on here? Ah. Wait.

Well I hope I don't get any new readers that want to have a look through older entries! (Sorry about that.)


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