June photo challenge: days 23-30

23rd - Nothing really happened on Monday so you can have another photo from our night out! The mojito I made was apparently better than Alex's, hence the little victory dance.

24th - I started reading a book recommended to me by my friend Lauren.

25th - I suppose this is cheating as it's not technically a photo I took, but I'm terrible at this challenge and never thought to take a picture while we were actually watching the show. On Tuesday we watched the last few episodes of Elementary (as we're the kind of people who inhale tv shows in chunks rather than watch them week-by-week).

26th - Two exciting things happened on Wednesday - Alex passed his sign-on course with flying colours and is now completing Options to become a shop manager, and we're both now insured on our car!

27th - I was really inspired by the foil project I mentioned in my DIY ideas post and had a go at doing it myself. I think it turned out alright, although next time I think I'll do a coppery stain before the shoe polish to give a bit more colour.

28th - Alex & I use an app called 'Couple' which is pretty amazing if you're in a long-distance relationship (we're the polar opposite of being long-distance but we still use it). It's a messaging app with some interesting features like virtual kisses which appear on the screen when you and your partner hold the screen in the same place, and other such mushy stuff. On Friday night we started sending sketches to each other and I was quite proud of my swan!

29th - We had a lovely spa day in Grantham. It was my first ever experience in a spa or having a professional massage and it was pretty great!

30th - I couldn't hide away from it anymore - my window garden was completely dead. I finally decided to replace the dead flowers with new ones and I can't stop staring at my windowsill. It's definitely worth having scratchy, hay fevered eyes.

So that's the end of the challenge!

I have to say, it's really nice to have a visual display of the month of June and it's definitely inspired me to take more photos/log more of the everyday, but it's time to move onto a new challenge for July.


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