June photo challenge: days 1-4

Lately I've realised that I don't take enough photos. It'd be lovely to be able to fill a photo album one day and hopefully this month's challenge will kick start that dream! This month I'm going to try to take a photo every day and see what I end up with. I'm not much of a busybody so I have a feeling that most of my photos will end up being semi-creative shots of nothing, but still, it's something!

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1st - Alex & I went to see our families over the weekend. We won't be able to go and see my mum on her birthday this year so we celebrated a bit early with a Chinese takeaway and a film. When I took this photo my dad said, "I bet that'll be going on your Facebook saying 'this is why I come home!'" - close enough!

2nd - On Sunday we went to the peak district with Alex's family and had a picnic near the river. We went for a walk afterwards where we started stepping across stones to get to the other side of the river and back, where Alex promptly decided to throw caution to the wind and leap across the water. It didn't end well. He landed on his ankle and bruised it quite badly, but this didn't stop him from trying to climb trees about five minutes later.

3rd - On Monday we were back in Lincoln and I didn't have much going on apart from getting the flat in shipshape. On Twitter, Zach Braff posted some screenshots of Google suggestions so I tried out my own - the "can we" suggestions were the best. It's like a weird kind of love story!

4th - I doubt I'll find something better to take a photo of today so I'll use another one from Saturday! We brought over mum's present which happened to be in a rather large box (we had limited time to decorate it so we decided to smash on as much glitter we could borrow from Alex's eight-year-old niece and get fancy with some ribbon) - my mum liked her present, my cat liked the box. Success!


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