Happy new year!

Happy new year!

I finally took all of the Christmas decorations down this morning so for me it's only just starting to feel like a new year. By now I'd usually have made some sort of plan on how to tackle the next term at university or made a couple of other resolutions but I haven't really thought about it yet (I'm blaming essays, lots and lots of essays), so I thought I'd make some goals here!

1. My last ever semester as an undergraduate is quickly approaching. It's quite scary. I've made an effort throughout the whole course to get the best grades I could to try and take some of the pressure off this year, but it hasn't really worked out that way. I'm always going to want to do the best I've ever done. That's just what I'm like. I feel like there's a lot at stake because if I don't do well then what was the point in moving to Lincoln in the first place, in getting into thousands of pounds of debt, in all of the effort so far? I'm going to really try and keep my motivation high over the next five months, work hard, and hopefully it'll pay off!

2. Last year I made a list of things to remember from 2013 and I loved being able to look back on all of the little things that I might have otherwise forgotten, so my next goal is to make a new list for 2014.

3. Start walking more. I'd never stick to exercising properly but this seems manageable enough!

4. Keep looking after the flat as well as we have been doing over the last month or so and maybe try de-cluttering even more.

5. Stay positive/optimistic. :-)

It's always tempting to make idealistic goals rather than realistic ones; I'd love to say that I'll spend more time making art this year, for example, but I'd probably be setting myself up for disappointed there. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to all of my resolutions so maybe in June I'll do a mid-year catch up to see how it's going?

Anyway, I hope you all have a brilliant 2014. I'd love to hear your own resolutions if you want to comment below!


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