Brain dump #3

  • Alex & I have now been together for three years! We're planning on spending a night with films, wine and chocolate to celebrate our ability to put up with each other. He's my best friend, my partner in crime, my (slightly) nerdy gentle giant and I love him to bits.
  • Uni is much more full on this year. I'm a bit worried about research skills because I'm honestly terrible at maths (my brain sees numbers and goes for a nap), but everything else seems to be going fine even if there is a lot of work to do.
  • While we're talking about university - I'm signing up for the Lincoln Award this week which is a scheme designed to make you more employable. It's something I'd have never really thought to do in the past because it's a little out of my comfort zone, but I feel like if I don't start now I'm going to end up struggling when it comes to applying for the postgraduate and then a job later on. It's hit me that I'm not a first year anymore and that there's life after education! The award should help to make my CV a little more impressive, and a friend of mine is doing it as well which of course makes it a lot easier!
  • My driving has improved recently. I've become so much more confident in the past few weeks and as a result mistakes aren't really bothering me as much - my instructor will just make sure I know what I did wrong and why, and then we'll be back to chatting about things rather than fretting. Getting that little boost has helped me to no end - I feel like an actual driver now! I devised scale with Alex: "oh holy crap this is bad", "if it were an absolute emergency I could probably get you somewhere without killing you" and now I'm at "potentially dangerous, but could almost definitely get you somewhere in an emergency without killing you". You get the impression that I'm not exactly filling him with confidence with my scale but I think it's fairly accurate!


  1. Congrats! I had my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend last week :) i love having an excuse to spend a nice evening together when we're both really busy!
    Have you started using SPSS in uni yet? you'll only have to interpret number, not do anything to them maths wise! Such a life saver!
    Definitely go for the lincoln award! it sounds great! i've found that things designed to enhance my cv etc have also given me a lot more confidence all around!
    Becky xx

    1. Thank you and congrats to you too!

      Yeah we had a bit of an introduction to it last year and used it for one of our research projects - using it again at the moment for another project, but it's still a bit intimidating!

      I had my interview for the award yesterday so I'm now officially signed up for it. I'm so excited haha, and I'm glad you mentioned about confidence because I'm hoping it'll help me out with that too! xx


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