Moving house and address checklist printable

About a week after I wrote my last post, Alex and I moved into our new house. Whenever I watch those shows like Grand Designs where the presenter calls in on the couple about a week after they've moved into their house, and it's already fully furnished and decorated and perfect, I have to admire their effort into getting everything sorted in such a short space of time. We've been in the house for about a month now and there's still a box or two of stuff to sort through, none of my knick-knacks have really found a place yet, and the only thing that's been hung up so far is my graduation photo.

However, that's probably because this has been the third move we've done in the space of a year (because we're crazy) and I was so done with packing and unpacking all of our things. In some ways it's been a good thing because with each move we've had to confront our clutter and each time we've found a lot to throw out, so now it feels like we've gotten on top of our collection. Hopefully we've managed to only keep what we really need (or the things that are too sentimental to throw away). It's a relief to think that this should be the last move now for the foreseeable future, and it's also really, really exciting. We have a house! A whole house! We have a place that's going to be our secure base for years to come, and to me that's really amazing.

To start with I found it really strange - I think you always do when it's a new place - but we've soon settled into the swing of living alone together again. For a while we house shared, and then we moved back in with family while getting the money together to move to where we are now, so it's been about a year since it's been just the two of us (we can make it if we try). It does feel a bit too quiet sometimes now, but at least family and friends are only round the corner now rather than being about an hour's drive away.

Onto the good stuff...

During our last move Alex made a 'change of address' checklist to make sure that nothing important got missed. I think it was the most organised part of our move! Having that list made things easier for us so I've created my own to share in case any of you happen to be in the process of moving at the moment. It's very basic as it's my first go at making a printable, but on the plus side it's easily customisable so you can add or remove items to make it more useful for you.

Here we go:


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