Educate yourself!

The internet is an amazing resource. Not only can you utilise its powers for hours of endless procrastination, but you can also learn new skills!

Online courses

1. Coursera - free online courses. I haven't tried any of their courses just yet due to university commitments but it's definitely something I'll be looking into once I've graduated.

2. Udacity - similar principle to coursera, but more focused on computer skills/sciences

3. Edx - more online courses

4. Udemy - even more courses

5. Khan Academy - described as a "global classroom", the Khan Academy has a wealth of online resources freely available for a large variety of subjects. It's targeted more towards American students, but is still really useful as a revision aid


1. Duolingo - I've heard a lot of good things about duolingo. I recently started using it myself and I have to say that I'm impressed! Each lesson combines listening, speaking, reading, and translating backwards and forwards to help you to learn.

2. Livemocha - I've used livemocha before and really liked it; to be honest I think the only thing that's swaying me towards duolingo at the moment is the free app, which means that I can learn on the go. Livemocha offers a wider range of languages and you can get your work reviewed by native speakers which is really helpful.

These websites will teach you how to do anything and everything!

1. Instructables

2. Wikihow

3. Wonderhowto

4. Brightnest

5. Lifehacker

6. Lifehack

7. /r/lifehacks


1. Chandoo - learn how to use excel

2. Codecademy - learn how to code

3. Write Well - short videos by university lecturers about writing academic papers

*  *  *

I'll keep updating this list as and when I find any other useful websites so keep checking back, and if you know of any others that haven't been mentioned feel free to comment below!


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