Brain dump

  • Alex has started letting me practice driving our car in empty car parks, which I'm sure has done wonders for his blood pressure. It really seems to have helped though because I had a fantastic driving lesson yesterday - I've started doing forward driving independently with my instructor only stepping in when needs be, and aside from nearly crashing I was fine! (I kid, I kid, I had loads of room.) The practical test has also now been mentioned. I won't be ready for a while yet but it feels achievable now, which is a stark contrast to how I felt about it last week. It's amazing how much can change between lessons.
  • I went to the opticians this afternoon for a routine check, and it turns out that I have pretty severe hayfever in my right eye. I knew there was something up with it but I would never have thought of allergies, despite the crazy itchiness, because it hasn't affected my left eye much at all. How odd. It's been like this for a month or more now and my optician was praising my (apparently) ridiculous pain tolerance and said that in a few days, after the eye drop treatment, I will be a woman changed. I'm quite relieved that it's nothing too serious!
  • Alex & I have become addicted to an app called Hay Day, which I blame solely on another blogger I follow. Alex's last words to me on his way out of the door to work this morning were not the usual "see you later, love you!" but rather "make sure our farm is okay! Don't forget to check on it!"
  • I ordered the last two books in A Song of Ice and Fire last night. They're sitting on my coffee table as I type, calling to me. You can probably guess what I'll be spending the rest of my evening doing.
  • I'd love to have something like this. It reminds me of art classes at school!
  • Hopefully soon I'll think of some other topic to write about but I do enjoy making posts like these as they feel a bit more personal. Welcome to my life, let me go and make you a cup of tea.


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