Too little too late?

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has issued an apology for the Liberal Democrats’ pledge concerning tuition fees during the last election. Now, I don’t know a great deal about politics so I apologise for my ignorance, but I just had to add my two cents which is that I think this apology is a load of rubbish.

What did Mr Clegg possibly hope to gain by broadcasting this apology two years down the line? If he was going to attempt to make amends with the £9000 per annum students, he should have done it as soon as he realised that it wouldn’t be possible to keep tuition fees the same. At this point, it seems like he’s just bringing the whole ordeal back to public attention and rather than appearing humble, it comes across as desperate.

He shouldn’t be apologising this late in the game, but he should be saying “look at all the good I’ve done!”, and rather than pointing out his mistakes he should be shouting about his strengths. What do you think?


  1. Yeh i can see your point. I always just feel damn lucky that i got in well clear of this change! What i do find interesting is the attempts my uni is making to attract students- which is fair enough. The psychology department have introduced seminars and give them a free textbook, the medics get a free ipad in third year, the physicists get modules taught by Professor Brian Cox...
    Becky xx

  2. Haha same, I was the last year to get through with the old tuition fees!

    Wow, I don't think my university is doing anything like that, or at least nothing I've heard about. I think I'd still rather just have to pay £3000 a year though.


    1. Yeh me too! In the long run its so much better! They're just shooting themselves in the foot considering the debt gets wiped off after however many years! Its just a shame i have to pay full price for post grad courses too :(


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