Brain dump #2

I start my second year of uni soon which I’m looking forward to. I think it’s going to be a bit more of a challenge in a lot of ways, but at least I feel like I’ve found my feet and as though I actually deserve to be there now. I spent a lot of time in the first year feeling a bit overwhelmed; it seemed like everyone else was so much more intelligent, but that was just something I had to get over. Everyone's in the same boat at uni but we're all so different, so I shouldn't feel the need to compare myself as long as I make sure I'm doing the best I can.

Today we did a bit of DIY to fix our dodgy wardrobe shelf. We’ve also gotten rid of a cross-trainer that we never really used (partly out of laziness, partly because it didn’t really fit in the only place it could go, and partly because we didn’t want to annoy our downstairs neighbours) which has cleared up so much room! The living room has always been my favourite place in the flat and now that it feels less cluttered I love it even more, although I do now have an urge to decorate...

You know how my driving has always been a bit squwiffy (technical term)? Well, I stopped on a roundabout during my last lesson. Yep, just stopped. I couldn’t tell you why. I panicked, I froze, I slammed on the brakes. A lorry came around the roundabout and I started freaking out, but I managed to pull off quickly and get going again. In hindsight I have to give my instructor a lot of credit for helping to keep me calm and focused, and also for keeping calm himself! We were so lucky that we didn’t have an accident and I think the shock of almost crashing really got to me, but I'm trying not to dwell - my driving on the whole has improved a huge amount during the past few weeks which has done wonders for my confidence on the road, which is always good!


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